巫师3血与酒1.22更新内容有哪些 新补丁更新一览。巫师昨晚巫师3更新了2.9G内容,血酒具体涉及到哪些方面呢?更新更新下面99单机网小编给大家介绍巫师3血与酒1.22更新内容有哪些 新补丁更新一览。 更新补丁翻译: 1.Fixes issue whereby Corvo Bianco upgrades would not complete if players left Toussaint whilean upgrade was in progress. 修复了传送出陶森特后葡萄园无法升级bug 2. Fixes issue whereby Roach would not move during the quest "The 内容Warble of a SmittenKnight." 修复萝卜在比武大赛中无法移动bug。 3. Fixes an issue whereby camera hard lock could 有新not be enabled following completion of thequest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight." 修复无法锁定bug 4. Fixes issue involving incorrect progression of the "Wine Wars: Vermentino" quest if player hadcompleted all "Wine Wars: Belgaard" tasks previously. 修复葡萄酒大战中任务进度bug 5. Fixes issue whereby the "Envoys, Wineboys" quest would not progress correction undercertain circumstances. 修复了(应该是接任务后在威伦和一群强盗打架的任务)无法正确进行的bug 6. Fixes issue whereby mutagen icons were not updated on Steam and Origin. steam和origin上突变图标没更新bug 7. Fixes additional instances of issue whereby interaction was sometimes missing from chestscontaining loot in the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear" in Kaer Morhen. 修复了凯尔莫汗狼学派任务箱子无法拾取bug 8. Fixes issue whereby some NPCs could not spawn after the completion of Blood and Wine. 修复了血与酒完成后某些npc消失bug 9. Adds Dark Iron Plate diagram to the crafting list. 加入了Dark Iron Plate配方,好像是补丁造陶森特骑士套装的原材料。 10. Fixes issue whereby upscaled levels of selected enemies would not be 巫师calculated correctly. 修复了提升怪物等级功能有事无法正确计算 11. Fixes issue whereby negative experience points were sometimes displayed if progress hadbeen initially started in version 1.0. 修复了显示负经验数的bug 12. Fixes issue whereby a golem guarding treasure located between Bowdon and Brunwich couldprove invulnerable 修复了诺维格瑞东北方向宝藏点里的一个无敌的巨像bug 13. Fixes issue whereby Bandit Camp near Kilkerinn Ruins could not be marked as cleared 修复了石之心里面一个强盗窝标记无法消除的bug 14. Fixes issue whereby Roach's tail could vanish. 萝卜尾巴回来了 15. Fixes issue whereby some enemies' upscaled level would be improperly displayed as toohigh.修复了在提升敌人等级下某些敌人等级显示过高的bug 16. Fixes issue whereby it was possible to permanently lose swords in Gravity Cave.修复了xx洞(好像是群岛那个做梦任务的洞)里武器永久消失的bug 17. Fixes issue whereby an improperly high amount of experience could be required to level upabove level 96. 修复了96级以上升级所需经验过高的bug 18. Corrects Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone credits 修改了石之心血与酒的职员表 19. Fixes issue whereby it was impossible to obtain the gwent leader card "Francesca Findabair:The Beautiful" after finishing the main story. 修复了在完成主线剧情后无法获得一个松鼠党领袖牌的bug 20. Fixes the issue whereby the corpse of Golyat had corrupted visuals. 修复了血与酒一开始那个巨人尸体视觉显示问题 21. Introduces tweaks and improvements to the inventory system. 优化了背包系统~~~~ 22. Fixes issue whereby picking up only one piece of dirty cloth at a time during the "Burlap is theNew Stripe" quest could block progress. 修复了最后进监狱任务你只捡一块儿破布导致任务无法进行的bug 23. Fixes issue whereby borders established during the "Night of Long Fangs" quest wouldsometimes exist after completing the quest, preventing users from exploring Toussaint. 修复了长牙之夜后地图边界还存在的bug 24. Fixes issue whereby sword sound effects when Eredin was hit could be muted. 修复了艾瑞丁被击中后武器音效丢失的bug 25. Fixes issue whereby some streamed audio assets could not be played. 好像不是游戏性问题,求大神翻译 26. Fixes issue whereby The 血酒Wicked Witch could be rendered invincible. 修复了童话世界里的女巫无敌的bug 27. Fixes issue whereby Majordomo could refuse to move in to Corvo Bianco. 修复了庄园管家不进屋?的问题 28. Fixes issue whereby the "Contract: Bovine Blues" quest did not progress correctly if the "BigFeet to Fill" quest had not been completed. 修复了采石场那的委托无法正确继续的问题 29. Fixes rare issue whereby the "Be it Ever So Humble" quest did not progress correctly. 修复了血与酒最后回家任务无法正确进行的bug 30. Fixes issue whereby the "empress" ending would not trigger under certain circumstances. 修复了希里女王线在某些情况下无法触发的问题 31. Fixes issue whereby Legendary Feline Silver Sword was one one of the ingredients requiredto craft Grandmaster Legendary Griffin Steel Sword.修复了传奇猫银剑是打造宗师狮鹫钢剑必须材料的问题 32. Fixes issue whereby diagrams required to progress in the "From Ofier's Distant Shores" questcould not be looted from a chest. 修复了欧飞尔蓝图有时无法拾取的问题 33. Fixes issue whereby Aerondight acquired in New Game Plus mode would not scale to Geralt'slevel 修复了二周目下湖女剑(好像是~~)不匹配杰洛特等级的问题 34. Fixes issue whereby extra ability slots would not unlock correctly while researchingmutations. 修复了额外突变槽不解锁的问题 35. Fixes issue whereby pressing 'O' would add an unlimited number of Decoy gwent cards. 修复了按O键会添加诱饵牌的bug 36. Fixes interaction with noticeboard near the Little Flint Girl. 修复了一个与告示板互动的问题 37. Fixes possible exploit enabling unwarranted gains in experience points during "The Path ofWarriors" quest. 战士之路刷经验没了 38. Fixes issue whereby the player was sometimes unable to progress in the "Gwent: Never Fear,Skellige's Here" quest. 修复了血与酒你昆特牌任务无法正确进行的问题 39. Fixes issue causing infinite loading screen after leaving portal in the "Turn and Face theStrange" quest. 修复了血与酒新突变任务后离开传送门一直读盘的问题 40. Fixes issue whereby one of Geralt's hairdos could be more visible than it should when usingFeline Grandmaster chest armor. 修复了白狼在穿宗师猫胸甲后一款发型显示问题 41. Fixes issue whereby Viper Armor could change color to red when displayed on armor stand inCorvo Bianco 修复了毒蛇套装放庄园护甲架上自动染红的问题 42. Fixes issue whereby the collar of one of the armors was red. 修复了套装衣领变红的问题 43. Fixes issue whereby Marlene would be unable to engage in conversation 修复了愚人之笼你老太婆无法触发对话问题 44. Fixes issue whereby Oriana's guard could become translucent during the "Night of LongFangs" quest 修复了长牙之夜任务中奥丽安娜随从变半透明的问题 45. Adds display of food or drink vitality regeneration amount. 增加了食物恢复量的显示 46. An art dealer sets up shop near Lazare Lafargue’s Workshop in Beauclair. 在打造宗师护甲商人边上加了个art dealer 47. Fixes issue whereby access to the Alchemy Table could be blocked. 修复了无法交互炼金桌子的问题 48. Fixes issue whereby stamina would regenerate at a larger rate than it should after starting anew game. 修复了新游戏下体力槽不正确的大量回复的问题 49. Fixes issue whereby players could knock down horses. 修复了玩家可以把马击倒的问题 50. Fixes issue whereby dogs and wolves would not die immediately after being knocked downand frozen at the same time. 修复了狗和狼在被同时击倒和冰冻没有即死的问题 51. Fixes issue whereby the "Wine Wars: Consortium" quest did not progress correctly 修复了葡萄酒大战无法正确进行的问题 52. Fixes issue whereby the "A Lady, Her Knight and True Love" quest could be restarted even ifJacob was already dead. 修复了点篝火救树精任务里jacob死亡任务却重新开始的问题 53. Fixes issue whereby courtesans at Belles of Beauclair could reappear in the room after a sexscene. 修复了鲍克兰妓院里sex scene结束后人还在的问题 54. Fixes exploit whereby Aarding a beehive towards the dwarven blacksmith in White Orchardwas possible. 白果园阿尔德推蜂巢修了!!更新更新~~~ 55. Fixes issue whereby an infinite loading screen could 内容occur after fist fight with Baron in the"Family Matters" quest 修复了与男爵打拳后无线读盘的问题 56. Fixes exploit whereby Aarding a beehive towards the dwarven blacksmith in White Orchardwas possible. CDPR认为这个很重要,所以在文档里又说了一遍 57. Fixes issue whereby the game could 有新crash after meeting the knights from the "Envoys,Wineboys" quest. 修复了血与酒第一个任务见骑士后游戏崩溃的问题 58. It is now possible to acquire the "Emhyr var Emreis: Emperor of Nilfgaard" gwent card fromthe innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in cases where this formerly was not possible. 可以在十字路口旅店老板处获得恩希尔大帝的领袖牌了 59. Fixes issue whereby music/sound effects would sometimes not play. 修复了音乐音效偶尔不播放的问题 60. Fixes issue whereby day value was missing from displayed total played time. 修复了总游戏时间里天数不显示的问题 61. Fixes issue whereby Marlene could disappear from Corvo Bianco after a few hours. 修复了愚人之笼老太婆偶尔会从庄园消失的问题 62. Fixes a rare issue whereby players could lose earned levels. 修复了玩家会丢失等级的罕见问题 63. Fixes issue whereby witcher gear and diagrams could go missing. 修复了猎魔人套装和蓝图丢失的问题 64. Fixes issue whereby Geralt could die after a loading screen in the "Turn and Face theStrange" quest. 修复了白狼在新突变任务里的读盘后死亡的问题 65. Fixes issue whereby a noblewoman in red would sometimes follow Geralt everywhere hegoes. 修复了一个女贵族一直跟着白狼的问题 66. Fixes issue whereby body parts would sometimes remain suspended in mid-air after anenemy exploded. 修复了敌人残肢仍会留在空中的问题 巫师3啪啪啪女角色汇总 |
Syanna | 新姿势解锁 | 可推倒角色 | 凯拉梅兹 | 特莉丝 | 叶奈法 | 茱塔 | 萨沙 |
巫师3DLC血与酒攻略汇总 |
大宗师盔甲 | 杜桑视频 | DLC全内容 | 发布时间 | 新UI界面 | 师匠级套装 | 狼派套装图纸 | 昆特牌任务 | NPC消失 | 游戏黑屏 | 法印增强效果 | 完美结局 | 啪啪啪新姿势 | DLC安装 |